On this page, you'll learn all about interacting with elements once you've located them
Once you've located elements, you'll most likely want to interact with them. On this page we'll cover all the ways you can interact with elements while using Simple Selenium.
Unwrapping WebElement
You can get the unwrapped Selenium WebElement with:
myElem=driver.by_tag('someTagName') #Gets some element on the page
baseSeleniumWebElement=myElem.webElement #Returns unwrapped Selenium web element
Locating Child Elements
Let's say you've located an element on the page and want to find one of the element's child elements:
#Page HTML looks like this:
#<div id="testElement"><p>text we want to grab</p></div>
testElement=driver.by_id("testElement") #Finds some element on the page
Simple Selenium web elements inherit all of the functions from locating elements for finding child elements.
Grabbing the child element's text is simple:
testElement.by_tag("p").text() #Returns "text we want to grab"
Getting Element Attributes
Below are all of the methods for grabbing attributes of elements.
Get Any Attribute
Gets any attribute of element:
#Page HTML looks like this:
#<div id="testElement" value="test">test</div>
testElement=driver.by_id("testElement") #Grab some element on the page
testElement.attr("value") #Returns "test"
Get All Attributes
Gets all attributes of element:
#Page HTML looks like this:
#<div id="testElement" value="test">test</div>
testElement=driver.by_id("testElement") #Grab some element on the page
testElement.all_attributes() #Returns {"id":"testElement","value":"test"}
Accessible Name
Gets aria level of element:
testElement=driver.by_id("testElement") #Grab some element on the page
testElement.accessible_name() #Returns aria level of element
Accessible Role
Gets aria role of element:
testElement=driver.by_id("testElement") #Grab some element on the page
testElement.aria_role() #Returns aria role of element
Gets "id" attribute of element:
testElement=driver.by_id("testElement") #Grab some element on the page
testElement.id() #Returns id of element
Gets parent of element:
testElement=driver.by_id("testElement") #Grab some element on the page
testElement.parent() #Returns unwrapped Selenium webdriver
Tag Name
Gets tag name of element:
#Page HTML looks like this:
#<div id="testElement">test</div>
testElement=driver.by_id("testElement") #Grab some element on the page
testElement.tag_name() #Returns "div"
Get the location in pixels of an element:
testElement=driver.by_id("testElement") #Grab some element on the page
testElement.location() #Returns location in pixels of element on webpage
Location Once Scrolled Into View
Get the location in pixels of an element once it's scrolled into view:
testElement=driver.by_id("testElement") #Grab some element on the page
testElement.location_once_scrolled_into_view() #Returns location in pixels of element on webpage once it's scrolled into view
Gets the size & position of element in pixels:
testElement=driver.by_id("testElement") #Grab some element on the page
testElement.rect() #Returns size & location of element in pixels
Gets the size of an element in pixels:
testElement=driver.by_id("testElement") #Grab some element on the page
testElement.size() #Returns size of element in pixels
Gets the current inner text of an element:
#Given this HTML:
#<p id="testElement">test</p>
testElement=driver.by_id("testElement") #Grab some element on the page
testElement.text() #Returns "test"
Inner HTML
Gets the current inner HTML of an element:
#Given this HTML:
#<div id="testElement"><p>test</p></div>
testElement=driver.by_id("testElement") #Grab some element on the page
testElement.innerHTMl() #Returns "<p>test</p>"
Is Displayed
Checks if element is displayed or not:
testElement=driver.by_id("testElement") #Grab some element on the page
testElement.displayed() #Returns True if element is displayed
Is Enabled
Checks if element is enabled or not:
testElement=driver.by_id("testElement") #Grab some element on the page
testElement.enabled() #Returns True if element is enabled
Is Selected
Checks if element is enabled or not:
testElement=driver.by_id("testElement") #Grab some element on the page
testElement.selected() #Returns True if element is selected
List Of Methods
Below, are is a list of all methods available for interacting with web elements.
Clears the value of any input/textarea:
#Given this HTML:
#<div id="testElement" value="test"><p>test</p></div>
testElement=driver.by_id("testElement") #Grab some element on the page
testElement.clear() #Clears value
testElement.attr("value") #Returns ""
Clicks an element:
testElement=driver.by_id("testElement") #Grab some element on the page
testElement.click() #Clicks element
#Default options:
use_javascript=False #Whether Simple Selenium should use JS version of .click instead of built-in Selenium .click
#Notice: if .click with Selenium fails, Simple Selenium will attempt to use JS .click automatically
testElement.click(True) #Uses JS version of .click
Parent Element
Gets the current parent element of an element:
#Given this HTML:
#<div id="testElementParent"><p id="testElement">test</p></div>
testElement=driver.by_id("testElement") #Grab some element on the page
testElement.parent_element().id() #Returns "testElementParent"
Grabs a screenshot of the target element:
testElement=driver.by_id("testElement") #Grab some element on the page
testElement.screenshot("imgs/test.png") #Screenshots the element & saves it in path with file name
Screenshot As Base64 String
Grabs a screenshot of the target element as a base64 string:
testElement=driver.by_id("testElement") #Grab some element on the page
testElement.screenshot_as_base64() #Returns a base64 encoded string with screenshot file data
Screenshot As PNG String
Grabs a screenshot of the target element as a .png encoded string:
testElement=driver.by_id("testElement") #Grab some element on the page
testElement.screenshot_as_png() #Returns a png bytes encoded string with screenshot file data
Submit Form
Submits a form:
testElement=driver.by_id("passwordElement") #Grab some input element on the page
testElement.submit() #Submits the form that input is attached to
Get DOM Attribute
Gets a DOM attribute of an element:
testElement=driver.by_id("passwordElement") #Grab some input element on the page
testElement.dom_attr("attributeName") #Returns value of dom attribute
Get Property
Gets a property of an element:
testElement=driver.by_id("passwordElement") #Grab some input element on the page
testElement.property("propertyName") #Returns value of property
Get CSS Property
Gets a CSS property of an element:
testElement=driver.by_id("passwordElement") #Grab some input element on the page
testElement.css_property("CSSPropertyName") #Returns value of CSS property
Send text input to any element like a human would:
testElement=driver.by_id("passwordElement") #Grab some input element on the page
testElement.write("text to write") #Writes to element
#Default options:
use_random_delay=True #Whether or not to use a randomized delay between each keystroke
min_delay=0.1 #Minimum delay for randomized delay (if use_randomized_delay=True)
max_delay=0.3 #Maximum delay for randomized delay (if use_randomized_delay=True)
testElement.write("text to write",use_random_delay=False) #Writes to element instantly instead of with randomized delay