On this page you'll learn how to handle alerts with Simple Selenium
Sometimes when building automation scripts, you'll need to deal with popup alerts. Handling alerts with Simple Selenium is dead simple, which you'll learn all about on this page.
Simple Selenium Alerts
Interacting with alerts in Simple Selenium is simple. See the example below, which visits an alert test page & handles the alert:
#Start chrome webdriver with custom options
#Visit Alert Test Page
#Waits 2 seconds
#Clicks "Show Prompt Box" btn
#Waits 1 second
#You can access the Alerts class with driver.alerts
#Writes text to alert box
driver.alerts.write("Some text to type")
#Accepts alert box
List of All Alert Functions
Below, are a list of all alert-based functions that Simple Selenium offers.
Accept Alert Box
To accept an alert box:
driver.alerts.accept() #Accepts alert box
#Default options:
retry_if_fail=True #Whether or not to retry if handling alert fails
max_retries=5 #Max number of retries before returning False (if retry_if_fail==True)
delay_for_each_retry=1 #Time delay between each retry in seconds (if retry_if_fail==True)
driver.alerts.accept(retry_if_fail=False) #Doesn't retry if initial attempt to handle alert fails
Dismiss Alert Box
To dismiss an alert box:
driver.alerts.dismiss() #Accepts alert box
#Default options:
retry_if_fail=True #Whether or not to retry if handling alert fails
max_retries=5 #Max number of retries before returning False (if retry_if_fail==True)
delay_for_each_retry=1 #Time delay between each retry in seconds (if retry_if_fail==True)
driver.alerts.dismiss(retry_if_fail=False) #Doesn't retry if initial attempt to handle alert fails
Write To Alert Box
To write text to an alert box:
driver.alerts.write("Text to write") #Writes text to an alert box
#Default options:
retry_if_fail=True #Whether or not to retry if handling alert fails
max_retries=5 #Max number of retries before returning False (if retry_if_fail==True)
delay_for_each_retry=1 #Time delay between each retry in seconds (if retry_if_fail==True)
driver.alerts.write("Text to write",retry_if_fail=False) #Doesn't retry if initial attempt to handle alert fails